Company Information
The Australian B2B database offers company and trading information for Australian medium/large businesses, including location details and key contact names along with sophisticated trading information. The database contains the details of over 45,000 companies and over 50,000 executive names.
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Australian Business to Business
Company360 provides in-depth business analysis information on Australian private companies. Including: Company Profiles; Comprehensive financials; Detailed ownership structure; Ratio analysis; Director & executive profiles; Professional services relationships (i.e. auditors, solicitors, bankers etc.); Latest news coverage and significant events.
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Company 360
Company Announcements is the ideal tool for staying up to date with the activities of ASX listed companies. Enjoy the benefits of an extensive archive dating back to September 1998. Search limiting by Company, ASX code, Industry GICS code, type and date range. Easily determine document relevance by using additional Connect 4 heading Classification.
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Connect 4 Company Announcements
ConnectWeb is Australia's leading publisher of biographical data, directories and specialist newsletters. The Library subscribes to selected titles hosted on this platform.
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DatAnalysis Premium incorporates the content of the DatAnalysis and FinAnalysis databases into a single online resource. DatAnalysis Premium provides a comprehensive historical picture of companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. It features extensive data on company history and listing details since 1989, as well as corporate action records such as bonus issues and company reconstructions together with access other fundamentals such as price-sensitive measures to keep track of a company’s performance.
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DatAnalysis Premium
Factiva.com provides access to the latest business and industry news. It is a valuable research tool for many disciplines, including political science, media studies, business, technology studies, social science, journalism, the arts, and more. The database allows users to browse through a collection of global content sources from 200 countries, in 26 languages – including newspapers, continuously updated newswires from Dow Jones and Reuters, journals and magazines, websites, blogs, and multimedia.
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Fitch Connect is a credit risk and macro intelligence platform from Fitch Solutions providing credit research, credit ratings, macroeconomic and financial fundamental data, country risk research and indices, Financial Implied Ratings and a curated news service.
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Fitch Connect
MarketLine Advantage is an interactive platform providing access to a unique mix of company, industry, country and financial data for every major marketplace in the world. From Aerospace and Automotive to Media, Mining and Textiles, MarketLine covers every major industry in every major marketplace, worldwide.
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GlobalData Explorer
Hoovers delivers comprehensive insight and analysis about the companies, industries and people that drive the economy, along with the powerful tools to find and connect to the right people to get business done.
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Hoover's™ Company Records is a valuable resource for academic libraries. Users can integrate business information from one of the world’s leading electronic distributors of information about companies, industries, and the people who lead them. This is a component of ProQuest's Business Market Research Collection.
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Hoover's Company Profiles
IBISWorld offers Australia’s most comprehensive collection of Industry Market Research, Industry Risk Ratings and Company Research. The Library has access to selected collections within IBISWorld: Australia Company Reports, Australia Industry Reports (ANZSIC), Australia Specialized Industry Reports, China Industry Reports.
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Mintel GNPD monitors product innovation and retail success in the consumer packaged goods market worldwide. Mintel GNPD contains data from over 50 countries worldwide, with over 20,000 new products added every month and with continually updated data. GNPD monitors new introductions from the following mass-market categories: Food, Beverages, Beauty & personal care, Household goods, Petcare.
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Mintel GNPD
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